ARIN Watch: 5 June 2015

A major milestone has possibly been reached today at ARIN.  Looking at the IPv4 blocks still available according to their web site, there are now no contiguous blocks available between /12 and /20.  This means that if anyone has an application in for a block larger than a /21 and smaller than a /11, the /11 is going to get split into a /12 and one or more /13 to /20 blocks.  Currently they are down to 0.14 /8s free, and this is certainly bringing the point where an ARIN member opts to go on the waiting list that much closer forward.

If, of course, the /11 is requested (though fairly unlikely), this is going to wipe 0.125 /8s off the free pool and will leave ARIN with very little left to allocate to anyone.

Update: ARIN have now confirmed on their web site that the /11 has been split into blocks /12 and smaller.